As interest rates go up, many people are wondering how they can get the best rates or if they should even be looking to purchase their next property. Interest rates rely on several things and is important to talk to your lender to find out how your specific set of circumstances will affect the type […]
Downtown Lisle–A Hidden Gem
Downtown Lisle—A Hidden Gem If you haven’t visited downtown Lisle, you are missing out. Lisle is a village nestled between Downer’s Grove and Naperville and is home to Morton’s Arboretum. Lisle’s downtown is located off Route 53/Ogden Ave on Main Street and while small is host to several specialty stores and restaurants. Their cute main […]
Costs Associated With Selling Your House
The truth is selling your house is a big step and we want you to be prepared for what to expect during the home selling process. If you want to get the most money for your home, it’s important to start with a deep clean, a full declutter and staging with furniture. However, it is […]